
After getting a pointcloud map with for example LeGo-LOAM in rosbag file, load it to JOSM with real scale for easier lane map drawing.

  1. Convert bag to pcd
  2. Convert pcd to bt
  3. Convert bt to pgm map file
  4. Visualization in JOSM

End results:

pcl map with lane 1 pcl map with lane 2


1 - Convert bag to pcd

rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd <file_in.bag> <topic> <output_directory> [<target_frame>]

2 - Convert pcd to bt

roslaunch 3D_Slam_tools straightener.launch input_path:="PATH/TO/PCD.pcd" output_path:="PATH/TO/"

Use arrow key to adjust the map distortion if needed, ctrl-c to close and save to .bt file.

3 - Convert bt to pgm map file

roslaunch 3D_Slam_tools octomap_mapping.launch path:="PATH/TO/" z_min:=-10  z_max:=0.5
  • Setting a large z_min allow the map to keep all the ground points which are very useful for creating lanes.
  • Adjust z_max to remove useless point clouds, like tree and building.

Run map_saver to save the map:

rosrun map_server map_saver

Example output:


image: map.pgm
resolution: 0.050000
origin: [-220.099997, -104.099997, -nan]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196


map from pcl

4 - Visualization in JOSM

Add PicLayer plugin in JOSM:

mkdir -p ~/.josm/plugins
open josm
Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins click Download list, wait for the plugins list, check the PicLayer plugin checkbox, click update plugins
checkout files in ~/.josm/plugins,  restart if needed

Convert pgm to png

convert map.pgm  -fuzz 20% -transparent white output.png

It becomes a rgba image with transparent background, very useful to overlay on satellite image. map_rbga from pcl

Add png in JOSM


Imagery->New picture layer from file... -> choose the previous output.png
Imagery->Mapbox Satellite, this is usually a good satellite image


Save calibration, open .cal file, change INITIAL_SCALE value to 100* the resolution in map.yaml ( in map.pgm resolution=0.05 so 0.05*100 = 5.0)

#JOSM PicLayer plugin calibration data
#Wed Apr 28 13:10:02 CST 2021

Reload the png, the png will be at the right scale, follow step 2 and 3 in the previous picture to align (in step 2, you can put the order and opacity of layers that’s why a rgba image comes handy)

Result: josm_map_overlay

0 - Next

How to draw lane with josm, load it in RVIZ with Lanelets and planning with mission planner.
